Sunday, October 14, 2018

The new Radio / Computer Room (Part 3)

The new Radio / Computer Room (Part 3)

This will be the final part in this project and what a great project it has been!
I’m still moving my equipment in but by and large its completed.

It’s great to have the room to spread out like never before & to be able to sort my room into areas.
My main computer area with the 3 screens – My Radio Area – and a Workstation for repairs & kits.
Not forgetting to the far left of the room I have setup a work table & computer for my girlfriend Caitlin to do her University work on.

I have not yet started on the cable management as I’m still moving equipment about and it would seem silly to start using cable ties etc to bunch all the cables together until I am finished.

The room is far from finished as its always evolving as my requirements change over the months, but one thing is for sure, it looks great & is a great place to play radio 😊

Friday, October 12, 2018

The new Radio / Computer Room (Part 2)

The new Radio / Computer Room (Part 2)

It’s been a few days and the project is going well.
I have been moving all my “stuff” into the room so I can sort it and throw out items I really don’t need and put other bits away.

I have to say it’s nice to have such a good amount of room to play with in terms of storage & room to move, given I was in a 4’ x 8’ cupboard!

With the computer & radio equipment now moved in I will need to sort out some type of cable management as there is such a mass of cables behind the units that as I write this are just dropped behind all the units and believe me when I tell you it’s a mess!!
Andy ideas on cable management??   let me know!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The new Radio / Computer Room

The new Radio / Computer Room

Over the past four or so years I have been using a converted walk in wardrobe as a computer / radio room for all my equipment, as you can imagine it was quite small and cramped.
It was only 4 foot wide by 8 foot long.

This led to stacking equipment instead of laying it out like I have always done in the past.
I also had to keep a lot of valuable equipment and leads packed away and stored in stacker boxes and had to search endlessly through them to find the one lead or adaptor I needed to complete the latest task or project.

Well here is the start of the new radio / computer room!!



As you can see I have gone with just cheap units that I have had for years and a sturdy kitchen worktop made into an L shape that has worked great in the past and has given me access to all that I need.

I will be over the next few weeks be adding book cases etc but it’s a start to a wonderful project.

Check back soon for more updates through the week as I get more done…