Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The new Radio / Computer Room

The new Radio / Computer Room

Over the past four or so years I have been using a converted walk in wardrobe as a computer / radio room for all my equipment, as you can imagine it was quite small and cramped.
It was only 4 foot wide by 8 foot long.

This led to stacking equipment instead of laying it out like I have always done in the past.
I also had to keep a lot of valuable equipment and leads packed away and stored in stacker boxes and had to search endlessly through them to find the one lead or adaptor I needed to complete the latest task or project.

Well here is the start of the new radio / computer room!!



As you can see I have gone with just cheap units that I have had for years and a sturdy kitchen worktop made into an L shape that has worked great in the past and has given me access to all that I need.

I will be over the next few weeks be adding book cases etc but it’s a start to a wonderful project.

Check back soon for more updates through the week as I get more done…

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